M Together: Oregon Food Bank

mtogether_OFB-01-01 10956401_10152856613638668_1959444345195439238_o "Why aren't you eating, Dad?"

He smiles, telling his children that he's already eaten, or that he's not hungry. In reality, he waits until his family have finished their meals, only then taking what is left over.

Stories like this are far too common, but thankfully, the Oregon Food Bank is there to help feed your fellow Oregonians (and even the residents of Clark County, Washington). Last year, they distributed over 44 million pounds of food to hunger-relief agencies.

There are numerous ways to help combat hunger: by donating food, funds and/or your time. Last month, as part of the M Together program, several M Realty agents and staff donned hair nets and volunteered, packaging over 11,000 pounds of frozen vegetables. This is but one outing for an on-going community outreach program, and M looks forward to its next visit!
